联轴器 - 用于均衡地传输扭矩 | © mayr® Antriebstechnik

联轴器: 用于均衡地传输扭矩

mayr® 传动技术 生产的联轴器工作精确且具备减振作用:可靠、无间隙传输扭矩。

mayr® 传动技术生产多种高品质联轴器,用于无间隙连接两根轴。mayr 联轴器的特点在于其稳定性及精确的功能性,即使在剧烈的温度波动、振动或其他外部影响下也能正常使用。我们的多盘联轴器和弹性联轴器能够精确且可靠地传输扭矩。金属波纹管联轴器可补偿轴向轴偏移或轴心差。mayr 传动技术不仅为您提供高性能联轴器解决方案,还可为您在使用 CAD 数据和数据表进行设计和文档编制以及配置所需联轴器时提供支持。

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ROBA®-DS(伺服机构): 紧凑、具有抗扭转刚性的无间隙联轴器 | © mayr® Antriebstechnik 可配置
  • 扭转刚性
  • 通过 FEM 进行优化的钢片形状
  • 补偿轴偏移
  • 零间隙
  • 免维护
ROBA®-DS(钢) | © mayr® Antriebstechnik 可配置
  • 适合于重负荷应用
  • 扭转刚性
  • 灵活的模块化结构
  • 补偿轴偏移
  • 免维护
用于扭矩测量传感器 ROBA®-DS: 用于扭矩传感器的零间隙联轴器 | © mayr® Antriebstechnik 可配置
用于扭矩测量传感器 ROBA®-DS
  • 扭转刚性
  • 灵活的模块化结构
  • 零间隙
  • 补偿轴偏移
  • 持续温度最高达 +120 °C
smartflex®: 可靠、灵活且永久零背隙的金属波纹管联轴器 | © mayr® Antriebstechnik 可配置
  • 适于伺服驱动器
  • 补偿轴偏移
  • 扭转刚性
  • 灵活的模块化结构
  • 零间隙
ROBA®-ES: 零间隙、减振、可插接的免维护联轴器 | © mayr® Antriebstechnik 可配置
  • 扭转灵活
  • 可插拔
  • 补偿轴偏移
  • 减振
  • 适于盲装
ROBA®-DS (heavy duty)
  • 适合于重负荷应用
  • 扭转刚性
  • 灵活的模块化结构
  • 补偿轴偏移
  • 免维护
Request now
  • Monitors test-stands, machines, plants
  • Torque-measuring machine element
  • 补偿轴偏移
  • 扭转刚性
  • 零间隙
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Shaft couplings from the world market leader

At mayr® power transmission you will find an extensive selection of shaft couplings for the backlash-free connection of two shafts. Our couplings can withstand severe temperature fluctuations, vibrations or other external influences and deliver precise functionality over extended time periods.

Our shaft couplings can be broadly categorised into two types : torsionally rigid or torsionally flexible.

mayr® power transmission not only offers you high-performance standard coupling solutions, but we can also support you with special to application designs and provide comprehensive documentation including drawings, CAD files, data sheets and installation instructions. Sign up to Mayr+ on our website (mayr.com) and you can configure and download your own coupling designs and directly request a quotation.


What are Torsionally Rigid couplings?

Our torsionally rigid metal membrane or disc couplings (ROBA-DS) (Multi-plate couplings) and our metal bellows couplings (smartflex) are designed to transmit torque with zero rotational twist between the input and output sides of the coupling.


Disc couplings (Multi-plate couplings)

mayr® power transmission disc couplings are available in a wide variety of standard designs and sizes and can be selected with keyway, shrink disc, clamping or split hubs in various sizes and with single or double flexible disc packs to accommodate angular, axial and radial misalignment.

Where there is a large distance between shaft ends (DBSE) spacer sleeves can be added between the disc packs and these can be produced in a variety of materials including steel, aluminium and carbon fibre (CFRP) to suit the application.

Our torsionally rigid disc couplings come in a number of different product types including    


Metal bellows couplings

The mayr® power transmission smartflex metal bellows coupling is based on a patented weld-free design and can compensate for axial, angular and radial shaft misalignments. They are suitable for servo and other highly dynamic drives and can operate at high shaft speeds. The smartflex® is a modular coupling design that can be easily disassembled by hand and variations in shaft size can be accommodated by simply swapping out the hub insert for one with a different bore size. Our smartflex couplings can be supplied with either long or short bellows to suit the customer’s application, and they offer reliable torque transmission with a very low mass moment of inertia (MMI).


What are Torsionally Flexible couplings?

Our range of flexible shaft couplings also includes elastomeric couplings often referred to as spider or jaw couplings. These transmit the torque precisely and reliably and have a rotation angle equalising and vibration damping effect. The backlash-free ROBA®-ES, pluggable and maintenance-free shaft couplings can be supplied with a wide range of hub styles and now with double elements and spacer sleeves to span distances between shafts.

ROBA®-ES features fully machined transmission surfaces providing a precision fit of the elastomer element to ensure backlash free transmission and extended life. Elastomers can be supplied in a wide range of hardnesses to suit the customer’s application and provide the required amount of misalignment compensation and vibration reduction.    


Application examples of our shaft couplings

Every drive has its own special characteristics and places very different demands on the couplings that transmit the torque from one shaft to another and compensate for any shaft misalignment. With disc, metal bellows and elastomer couplings, mayr® power transmission offers the right solution for many different applications and drives. The shaft couplings can be used in the following areas:

  • servo drives
  • high speed and highly dynamic drives
  • heavy-duty applications
  • alternating loads
  • HBM / HBK torque transducers
  • torque measurement and monitoring of test benches, machines and other production systems
We are happy to advise you
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