负载分离、扭矩限制安全离合器确保旋转运动。达到预设扭矩后,离合器中断输入和输出。分离以机械方式进行,几乎无残余扭矩。因此,mayr® 传动技术的安全离合器能够非常快速地中断扭矩运动。视应用情况而定,采用不同的工作原理:棘齿式离合器达到定义的角度后自动再次接合,而同步式离合器旋转一整圈后才有一个接合点。脱开式离合器使驱动装置自由减速停止,并且必须主动重新接合,例如用手或各种接合机构。
Torque limiters have proven themselves millions of times over as protection devices in machines and systems. They transmit the torque reliably and with high accuracy during uninterrupted operation. However, no machine is safe from faults and collisions. Errors in programming or operation or external influences such as foreign objects can lead to overloads. In this case, torque limiters prevent the torque from increasing to an unacceptably high level. They limit the transmitted torque to a set value thus protecting against expensive overload damage.
In order to provide reliable protection against overload damage, the torque limiter must be optimally suited to the respective application. If the torque transmission is to be completely interrupted in the event of an overload, for example in high-speed drives or where large flywheel masses exist, a load-separating, ball detent type torque limiter is the right choice.
In vertical or inclined axes, the torque must be limited to a defined value but without interrupting the transmission as if it was interrupted, the load would drop or crash in an uncontrolled manner. In this type of application, load-holding friction type torque limiters are more suitable.
Load-separating torque limiters are safety clutches that completely disconnect the input and output when the preset limit torque for overload is exceeded. Until the limit value is reached, the torque is transmitted by locking elements that are pressed into counterbores (usually balls, ball ended bolts or rollers into pockets or seats) by disc springs. If the limit value is exceeded, these locking elements move out of their counterbores / seats and torque transmission is interrupted.
Depending on their function, load-separating torque limiters are categorised as either ratchetting, synchronous or disengaging / overload devices.
Positive-locking or load-holding torque limiters do not interrupt the torque transmission in the event of an overload. They hold the load at the set torque. Positive locking torque limiters use locking elements to only disengage by a limited amount in the event of an overload. The partial disengagement is sensed by a limit switch and the drive is switched off without interrupting the torque transmission.
Collisions or overloads generate very high torques in the drive train, which can destroy or damage components. Torque limiters reliably protect against this and thus ensure high system availability and productivity. At the same time, they reduce operating costs and minimise repair costs. The cost of damage caused by a single overload can often be more expensive than a torque limiter. By limiting torques to a maximum permissible value, machines with torque limiters can be optimally dimensioned and design safety factors can be reduced.
Modern drive systems can be electronically monitored with functions such as motor current measurement. However, the disadvantages are the low measuring accuracy for mechanical variables and the fact that faults are recognised too slowly. Motor current measurement is not quick enough to be able to initiate countermeasures in time to prevent damage in the event of a collision, particularly in the case of hard collisions or high-speed applications. A mechanical torque limiter is irreplaceable in these situations.
Benefit from our extensive experience as a leading manufacturer of torque limiters and rely on the quality and reliability of our products. Our high-quality torque limiters ensure maximum safety and efficiency. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements!